Titan Authors of Smart Thinking Books

If there were a classics category of smart thinking books, these authors would feature heavily. Here is a selection of books from the back catalogue of some titans of the genre including Dale Carnegie, Yuval Noah Hariri, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Daniel Kahneman and Malcolm Gladwell. Check out some short reviews and information on each below, combined with affiliate links to a number of online bookshops where you can buy each book.
Published in 1936 and has sold 16 million copies since. Jam packed with principles and techniques to improve your etiquette, self-confidence and relationships, much of the book has now entered into everyday parlance and common-sense, a sign of the book's significance. (All links earn commission from purchases. Prices accurate at time of writing) A fascinating whirlwind tour of the history of the human species, from cave paintings to the industrial revolution onwards. Provocative concepts delivered with effortless eloquence, well that's how well it reads anyway. (All links earn commission from purchases. Prices accurate at time of writing) Review From Book Depository: The Black Swan is a standalone book in Nassim Nicholas Taleb's landmark Incerto series, an investigation of opacity, luck, uncertainty, probability, human error, risk, and decision-making in a world we don't understand. (All links earn commission from purchases. Prices accurate at time of writing) Review From Book Depository: Why is there more chance we'll believe something if it's in a bold type face? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before lunch? Why do we assume a good-looking person will be more competent? The answer lies in the two ways we make choices: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. (All links earn commission from purchases. Prices accurate at time of writing) A fascinating break-down and deep dive into how ideas spread and become household names. Contextual factors, structure of the idea and the type of people involved all feed into the momentum needed to reach the tipping point. (All links earn commission from purchases. Prices accurate at time of writing)
How to Win Friends and Influence People
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Book Depository €8.65
Waterstones £9.99
Amazon UK £6.70
Amazon US $15.29
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
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Book Depository €10.59
Waterstones £8.99
Amazon UK £7.69
Amazon US $13.59
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
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Book Depository €14.39
Waterstones £9.99
Amazon UK £6.49
Amazon US $13.44
Thinking, Fast and Slow
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Book Depository €10.53
Waterstones £10.99
Amazon UK £7.69
Amazon US $8.99
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
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Book Depository €7.96
Waterstones £9.99
Amazon UK £6.49
Amazon US $9.99
Image Copyrights: Ebury Publishing (How To Win Friends And Influence People), Vintage Publishing (Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind), Penguin Books Ltd (The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable & Thinking, Fast and Slow), Little, Brown Book Group (The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference)
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